This iOS switch post cursed my mind with indecision until I wrangled my two brain cells into working in tandem!

Months ago, I was a diehard Android user, never dreaming of seeking refuge on iOS from Google. Apparently, a lot can change with an unbelievably bad choice of Google’s continued enshittification plan in full swing. I became further disillusioned because Google was basically making ads so annoying that they made YouTube Premium look like a good option. The intentional, naked disdain for their users left me gutted because I did like most of Google’s products and services. Switching to iOS mid-December was a bold ass move, but I did it with aplomb. Immersing myself within the iOS way of doing things initially was challenging but I’ve adapted over time to the Apple way (with some complaints). However, overall, the iOS experience is great! No minor, pesky bugs wrecking my enjoyment of the OS. This doesn’t mean iOS is truly bug-free, heck no, when there’s a software vulnerability it’s massive! Due to this I use wise device practices that minimize my phone’s exposure to the malicious actors of this world. Though moving on with the iOS complaints and positives!

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Hi, I really like Monster Hunter World (It's a Neat Game)

I played Monster Hunter Generations solo on the 3DSXL and really enjoyed the experience of having a major deadline on successfully hunting a monster. I think it was years later, when Monster Hunter World came out…Feeling so very rusty with Monster Hunter Games, I had a negative experience with World at launch. The combat was so slow and plodding that it felt as though my character was moving underwater. Something clearly didn’t click with me right then; it was likely due to the fact I’ve played Nier Automata and The Witcher 3 a lot (their combat styles are fast and immersive). At that moment, I walked away from Monster Hunter World feeling frustrated by the whole experience (I didn’t think it was a bad game by any means, just not for me in that moment). For years this experience had sat in the back of my head, gradually I started to rebuild my enthusiasm for the franchise.

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